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Our Operations Manager – Amanda – to do Three Peaks Challenge

Our Operations Manager – Amanda – is taking part in the Three Peaks Challenge on Friday 20th September, raising money for The Care Workers Charity.

There are 1.5 million care workers in the UK, contributing to one of the largest workforces, and caring for some of the most vulnerable people in our society.

For the UK’s care workers, early starts, long hours and mentally draining work are part and parcel of the job. As a result, it’s all too easy for illness, or other unforeseen circumstances, to push them beyond their financial limits.

I have been in the care industry for 20 years and I have such respect for my colleagues. We work long hours and care so deeply for our clients. It’s important to ensure that we raise much needed funds for the staff that need it in times of need.

I am doing this challenge in order to help at least one person within our sector at a time of need.

If you are able to support Amanda, you can donate via her Just Giving page HERE
